8 calming yoga stories Poses

Yoga Stories for Kids: Promoting Relaxation and Mindfulness Through Playful 8 calming yoga Poses

June 19, 20244 min read

In our fast-paced world, stress affects not only adults but also children. Teaching kids to relax is essential for their well-being. Yoga, with its gentle movements, deep breathing, and mindfulness, is a powerful tool for helping children unwind. By combining yoga poses with engaging stories, kids can discover the benefits of relaxation and inner peace in a fun and playful way.

Why Relaxation is Important for Kids

Relaxation helps children manage stress, improve focus, enhance self-awareness, and cultivate inner peace. Introducing these techniques early helps kids develop lifelong stress management skills.

Creating a Yoga-Friendly Environment

Creating a Yoga-Fun-Friendly Environment

Ensure a quiet, distraction-free space with soft lighting, calming music, Yoga visual card, game or book  and comfortable mats or cushions for a successful yoga session for kids. 

 Key Principles for Kids’ Yoga with storytelling

- Encourage creativity and playfulness.

- Maintain a non-competitive atmosphere.

- Respect each child’s individuality and physical limitations.

- Make the practice age-appropriate and enjoyable.

8 Simple Yoga Poses for Kids to help them promote relaxation and mindfulness with Stories

1. Child’s Pose: - Yoga Seed pose

   - Story: Imagine you're a tiny seed resting in the earth, waiting to grow.

   - Pose: Sit on knees, lower upper body, rest forehead on the mat, arms extended or by sides. Deep breathing helps release tension.

A kneeling forward fold that nourishes the brain, soothes the nervous system, extends the spine, gently stretches the hips, legs & ankles, and massages internal organs. 

Yoga Kids Poses

2. Cat-Cow Pose:

   - Story: Imagine you are the fun and playful cat, let’s do the cat pose. 

   - Pose: On all fours, inhale to arch back like the happy cat, meow, exhale to round back like the angry cat, grrrr. Repeat with focus on breath and spine sensation.

3. Standing Forward Fold - The jelly fish pose 

   - Story: Be a jelly fish, gently swaying in the ocean.

   - Pose: Stand tall, fold forward from hips, let head, neck, and arms hang. Knees slightly bent if needed. Breathe deeply to release tension.

4. Butterfly Pose:

   - Story: Imagine you're a butterfly, fluttering peacefully in a garden, you can fly up high then lower to smell the flower. 

   - Pose: Sit with soles of feet together, gently flap legs. Deep breathing helps release tension in hips and lower back.

5. Starfish Pose:

   - Story: Pretend you're a starfish, gently lay down on the sands, hearing the waves from the ocean waves.

   - Pose: Lie on back, spread arms and legs wide, wiggle gently. Promotes relaxation and openness.

6. Legs-Up-the-Wall Pose: the seaweed pose

   - Story: Imagine being a gentle seaweed under the sea, flowing side by side smoothly.

   - Pose: Lie on back near wall, extend legs up, arms by sides. Promotes calm and rejuvenation. Close eyes and breathe deeply.

7. Seated Meditation: the wise owl

   - Story: Be a wise owl, sitting quietly in the forest, focus and listen to the sound in the jungle. 

   - Pose: Sit comfortably, legs crossed or in chair, eyes closed or softly focused. Focus on breath, observe inhales and exhales without judgment.

8. Starfish pose: 

   - Story: Picture yourself as a starfish in the beach, laying down and relax as the 

   - Pose: Lie on back, arms by sides, legs slightly apart. Close eyes, focus on breath, relax each body part from head to toe.

Starfish: Lying on your mat or standing up, spread your legs and arms to create the five points (your legs, hands and head) of a starfish.

Fun in this pose:

• Open and close your starfish arms
• Stretch all your five limbs in all directions • Completely relax like a sleepy starfish 

Incorporating Mindfulness and Breathing

Combine yoga poses with deep belly breathing, breath counting, and guided visualization to enhance relaxation. By integrating these elements with engaging stories, kids will find yoga more enjoyable and be motivated to practice regularly. Creating imaginative scenarios around each pose can transform the experience into a playful adventure, fostering a love for yoga and its benefits.

Benefits of Yoga for Kids

- Reduces stress and anxiety.

- Enhances emotional well-being.

- Improves focus and concentration.

- Develops body awareness and coordination.

- Promotes better sleep patterns.

- Cultivates self-confidence and self-esteem.


Yoga offers children a path to relaxation and mindfulness through engaging poses and stories. By encouraging regular practice, kids can develop lifelong skills for managing stress and finding tranquility. Emphasize creativity, playfulness, and adaptability to ensure a fun and effective yoga experience with stories. Enjoy the journey and embrace the benefits that yoga brings to children’s lives.

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